Damen SEA 1180 OPV roadshow tours the nation
in Prime Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
Industry briefings provide the pathway to maximising Australian Industry content
Damen Shipyard Group’s Australian team has delivered two more industry briefings to potential suppliers from Australian industry ahead of its bid submission for the design and build of 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels. Following the success of February’s event...
DCNS urges greater input to future submarine program
in Prime Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
Director of strategy and communications for DCNS Australia Brent Clark has implored the industry to come forward to be involved in the Future Submarine Program.
Speaking at a public hearing held by the joint standing committee on treaties on the Framework Agreement for the Future Submarine Program, Clark expressed DCN...
Defence extends variety of RAAF traning and support systems contracts
in Dept of Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
The Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today announced two significant defence industry contracts worth approximately $300 million and securing hundreds of local jobs while visiting defence industry facilities at RAAF Base Williamtown.
Minister Pyne said both BAE Systems Australia and Raytheon Australia had signed contra...
Defence and Industry Conference 2016
in Dept of Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
The 2016 Defence and Industry Conference will be held at the National Convention Centre Canberra on Wednesday, 15 June.
Deputy Secretary Capability and Sustainment Group (CASG), Mr Kim Gillis said the 2016 D+I Conference provides a critical platform for Government-to-business and business-to-business interactions.
“This y...
DCNS launches Innovation Portal
in Prime Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
French bidder for Australia’s future submarine project DCNS is embracing the ideas boom in launching an Innovation Portal. More than 200 firms attended the firm’s inaugural Innovation Seminar in Melbourne on Thursday 4 February.
Just click on http://dcnsgroup.com.au/innovation/ and, on the ‘Innovation’ page, click o...
Defence to upgrade battlefield communications network
in Prime Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
Defence has signed a significant contract for an upgrade to the next generation of military communications for the Australian Defence Force.
This contract with Boeing Defence Australia is a critical milestone in achieving a modern and networked Army, and is expected to create around 250 new jobs across Australia in the defence industry sector.
DCNS unveils Shortfin Barracuda for SEA1000
in Prime Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
DCNS will propose the world’s most advanced conventionally powered submarine – named the Shortfin Barracuda Block 1A – as its pre-concept design for Australia’s future submarine Competitive Evaluation Process (CEP).
The submarine takes its name from the Shortfin Barracuda, an indigenous species of the Barracuda found in A...
Defence enhances RAAF smart bombs
in Dept of Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
Today the Defence Project to enhance Air Force’s ‘smart bombs’ achieved a significant milestone with the acceptance of the first production set of Australian designed and manufactured range-extending wing kits.
Known as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM), and manufactured by Boeing Defense, Space and Security, smart bombs ...
DMO to go as government accepts first principles reveiw
in Dept of Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
The federal government has endorsed the First Principles Review's recommendation to abolish the Defence Materiel Organisation as a standalone agency under the review headed by former Rio Tinto Australia managing director David Peever. The review is the most thorough in four decades and calls for a restructure of the department to cut waste and ...
Defence Science Institute Grant Scheme sees call for submissions
in Dept of Defence News by ANZDD 0 Reviews
The Defence Science Institute (DSI) is pleased to call for submissions to Round 1 of its 2015 Grant Scheme.
The DSI Research Grant Schemes provide funding to enable industry and/or DSTO to undertake collaborative research with DSI Participating universities consistent with the Institute’s technology themes.
The DSI is committed to fundi...