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Minister Andrews' announces expert advisory panel to oversee Future Submarine competitive evaluation process

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

With France, Germany and Japan having confirmed their participation as potential international partners in the Australia’s future submarine programme, the Government today announces the establishment of the Expert Advisory Panel, which will oversee the competitive evaluation process. The Expert Advisory Panel will assure the Government tha...

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NZ - UK joint statement on defence cooperation

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee and his counterpart the Rt Hon Michael Fallon, Secretary of State for Defence, have signed a joint statement on defence cooperation between the United Kingdom and New Zealand at the Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore. The statement reflects findings from a review of the defence relationship. “The joint ...

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Wedgetail aircraft achieves final operational capability

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Australia now has the most advanced air battle space management capability in the world, with the Royal Australian Air Force’s E-7A Wedgetail aircraft achieving Final Operational Capability. The fleet of six Wedgetail aircraft reached the milestone this month with the entire capability, from physical aircraft to logistics, management, sust...

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First Air Warfare Destroyer, HMAS Hobart, launched in Adelaide

in prime-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

SA Premier Jay Weatherill has used the launch of the first Air Warfare Destroyer to push South Australia's credentials to build the next generation of submarines. The first of three ships being built as part of the Federal Government's Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) program, the HMAS Hobart, has been launched, with thousands of workers atte...

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Air Warfare Destroyer program still fixing serious legacy issues

in prime-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

The Government has finalised a forensic audit to quantify the level of cost and schedule overruns in the Air Warfare Destroyer Project. The most reliable estimates now suggest that the project will require an additional $1.2 billion to be completed, which will have to be funded at the expense of other Defence acquisitions. Delivery of the thr...

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Australian industry building global Joint Strike Fighter capability

in prime-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Victorian based company, Marand, is one of the leading Australian suppliers on the F-35 JSF program providing the vertical tail component for the F-35 JSF aircraft which are being built at Lockheed Martin’s manufacturing plant in Fort Worth, Texas. Australia’s JSF Division Director of Strategy and Industry, Ms Alison Petchell, said t...

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NZ Defence White Paper advisory panel announced

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee has today announced the appointment of the independent panel which will advise him on the Defence White Paper 2015. This follows the announcement on 5 May that the public would have the opportunity to provide their views on the White Paper.      The four members of the Panel are: ...

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Successful boom contact for RAAF multi-role tanker transport

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

The first air refuelling boom contact has been made by a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) crew of the KC-30A Multi-Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft. During a three-hour flight from RAAF Base Amberley on 13 May 2015, the crew deployed the 17-metre long Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) which is mounted beneath the tail of the fuselage. ...

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Minister announces $1.5 billion project start to make RAAF Base Williamtown JSF-ready

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Construction of the New Air Combat Capability Facilities at RAAF Base Williamtown has commenced. The new facilities will support the introduction, operation and deployment of the F-35A Lightning II – Joint Strike Fighter. Australia has committed to the acquisition of 72 F-35A aircraft, which will provide aircrew with a fifth generation ...

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NZ Defence White Paper public consultation begins

in dept-of-defence-news by ANZDD 0 Reviews

Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee welcomes the beginning of the public consultation process for the 2015 Defence White Paper, calling for New Zealanders to seize this opportunity to influence defence policy. The White Paper, which is intended to be published before the end of the year, will be the blueprint for how the Government plans to addres...

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