Innovec Controls launches the Innovec Totalising System (ITS) model
by Innovec Controls Pty Ltd on 04/04/2016 7:44 AM

As of 2nd April 2016, Innovec controls will be releasing a new model the Innovec Totalising system (ITS).<P>
This instrument incorporates a one line 6-character 18mm high segmented LCD display, industry standard flowmeter input selection, quadrature input, reverse flow detection, dual output relays, and Bluetooth communication to a tablet with the Innovec App.<P>
Intended as an alternative to our popular IPT Powered Printing Totaliser for truck mounted chemical and fuel dispensing system the ITS offers a number of exciting features.<P>
The ITS is supplied in a 130mm x 80mm x 75mm IP66 rated housing, has a back lit 6 character LCD display and Bluetooth communication. With this communication we can produce a real time display of liquid flow on a tablet at a distance of 20 to 300 metres, produce a delivery receipt showing quantity of liquid, time, date, GPS position of where the dispense occurred which can be emailed from the tablet. For legal proof of delivery it is necessary to obtain a signature from the receiver. They can sign their name on the tablet screen, save this as a pdf and can also be emailed as an attachment.<P>
Furthermore, the ITS outshines other models for its facile interface and simplistic yet effective process.<P>
To find out more, visit the current product page here:<P>