RFI for Air Warfare Destroyer sustainment supply chain closes 28th February
by ANZDD on 19-Feb-2020

An RFI for repairable inventory repair and overhaul services for the Hobart Class Air Warfare Destroyer (DDG) supply chain closes soon on Friday, 28th February.
The Naval Construction Branch (NCB) has been established to become the Australian centre of excellence of naval ship building expertise, the manager of naval ship building infrastructure, and to provide onsite oversight of ship construction activity on behalf of ship / submarine programs and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). The NCB currently has a dual role in that it is also responsible for the Air Warfare Destroyer (AWD) Program, where the Hobart Class Guided Missile Destroyers (DDGs) represent a significant increase in the air warfare capabilities of the Australian Defence Force.
The AWD Program is one of the largest and most complex Defence projects in Australian history and will provide the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) with one of the world's most advanced multi-mission warships. The DDGs comprise three ships; that is, HMAS Hobart (commissioned September 2017), HMAS Brisbane (commissioned October 2018), and NUSHIP Sydney (scheduled to be commissioned in early 2020).
The NCB intends to establish and implement contracts with reliable and capable suppliers for the procurement of goods and / or services to support the DDGs’ sustainment and maintenance. The Contracts will also be made available to other RAN organisations which may have a need to procure services under this arrangement.
This Request for Information (RFI) has been issued with the objective to gather information from the market in order to gain a better understanding of industry capabilities and relevant constraints; and to identify and refine potential capability options / solutions specifically in relation to rotatable part pool management and service and overhaul services.
There are several categories of service/goods requiring additional information including:
- Pumps and Compressors
- Electric Motors
- Valves and Actuators
- Electrical and Electronic Components
- Engines and Generators
- Bearings, Gears and Hydraulics
- Coolers, Condensers and Pipework
- Specialised and General Engineering services
- Testing and Calibration
Further information is contained within the Request for Information Documentation Suite.
Those interested should reach out to the Senior Procurement Consultant via [email protected]