LAND FORCES postponed until June 2021
by ANZDD on 08-May-2020

Organisers AMDA have announced that, because of the impacts of COVID-19, LAND FORCES will be unable to proceed in September this year as initially intended and that the decision has been taken to defer until next year. They have identified new dates from 1 to 3 June 2021, remaining at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.
AMDA CEO Ian Honnery stated, "we believe this deferral will provide greater certainty for all involved with LAND FORCES. Crucially, it will allow our exhibitors, participants and stakeholders to focus on managing through the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, knowing that a deferred LAND FORCES will have greater probability of proceeding and, therefore, of serving as a powerful promotional and industry engagement forum on the way to business recovery."
"It is our aim that LAND FORCES should proceed as soon as practicable and, at this stage, mid-2021 is considered the earliest realistic timing that optimises certainty. However, we cannot know what future course the COVID-19 pandemic will take in the months ahead. So, we will continue to monitor developments closely and, as a responsible organisation, we will undertake by December this year a further comprehensive review to clarify the ongoing situation in the aftermath of the immediate impacts of the pandemic. By then, the world will be in a far better position to see the way forward with confidence."