TH secure boxes for your highly classified assets
by Secure Hard Drive Destruction Pty Ltd on 24/02/2025 11:41 PM

SCEC Endorsed Packaging - for highly classified asset Transportation & Storage
Fit for purpose this proprietary SCEC Endorsed packaging solution is both a unique product and process; ensuring cost reductions and security requirements are met for highly classified disposal environments (packaging, transport, storage and destruction, from BIL 1-5).
Secure Hard Drive Destruction (SHDD) is the preferred supplier for highly classified disposals to the Commonwealth (Govt. & DoD) including many Australian Government agencies from all states and territories.
This unique product was designed and developed in consultation with the Australian DoD (CIOG, CASG and SDO) to ensure PSPF, DSPF and ISM requirements are met, considering the transportation and storage of ‘Classified’ and ‘Security Protected Attractive’ assets.
We provide the only commercially available NAID AAA PSPF certified destruction and SH5 secure environment in Australia for classified asset disposal (BIL 1-5).
What is Unique about this solution?
There is a high cost and complexity associated with compliance to the requirements of the PSPF, DSPF and ISM for classified and security protected attractive asset transportation (documentation, packaging, transportation and storage of individual items = previously individual packaging was the normal way).
Our comprehensive and demonstrated knowledge of these requirements has allowed us to understand the gaps in the industry and systems to be able to design and develop a packaging solution needed to overcome a lot of the complexities that increase the risk and cost of highly classified disposals (from a packaging, transportation and storage perspective).
Our product and system ensures compliance to PSPF, DSPF and ISM requirements - for the benefit of industry who are not disposal experts and don’t package goods for destruction on a regular basis (it generally only happens at a product’s “end-of-life”).
Due to the ingenious design of the ‘TH - Secure Boxes’(light weight and foldable) they make the whole process of transportation and storage easier and cheaper!
The traditional floor space needed and necessity to have the appropriate human resources (experienced and multiple staff to carry heavy crates) are not required with this unique packaging solution.
- More Secure / Strong
- SCEC Endorsed process and product
- Ship all manner of assets including sharp and heavy objects
- Cheaper
- Stacks to ship empty, 8-10 boxes in one box’s footprint
- Stack sideways for ease of storage for on-hand needs (back of van/ute)
- Ship multiple items in one larger package (box)
- Fit for purpose with 3 different sizes TH-1, TH-2 & TH-3
- Lighter
- A single user can easily handle empty boxes and pack them without extra assistance
- Cardboard not plastic, metal or wooden crate
- Can also be made with other materials (core flute or aluminium etc…)
- Unique
- Patented Technology
- Taking away confusing with a documented procedure for security layer packing
Where this unique highly secure packaging is currently used?
- Defence Project - JP2047 CR3 supply of SHDD Secure Consignment Container TH1, TH2 nationally, controlling packaging 3PL deployment
- CIOG - Packaging, Transport, Storage and Disposal of ICT Media
- Telstra Defence - Packaging, Transport, Storage and Disposal of ICT Media
- DTA - Hardware Market Place - Panellist
- Commonwealth - Classified Disposal
- Department of Justice - Transport and disposal ICT Media
- Victoria Police - Disposal of ICT Media
- BAE - Disposal of Defence Classified Assets and ITAR (explosive ordnance)
- DSTG - National disposal of ICT Media
Below is a list of accreditations, endorsements, memberships and clearances held by SHDD and which are part of our operating protocol and compliance framework.
- Storage Certification for assets and ICT Media
- Australian Community Member (AC) approved destruction of ITAR and Treaty articles
- (BNEI) Bank Note Ethics Initiative Approved Supplier
- ISO Standards under 9001 Quality Management, 14001 Environmental and 45001 OHS
- All SHDD Staff are AGSVA Cleared Personnel
- Director of SHDD an Australian Government Trained Security Officer
- NAID Member since 2009
- NAID AAA PSPF Certified for all ICT Media listed in the ISM
- Australian Community Manual
- Protect Security Circulars
- SCEC Endorsed Equipment
- NSA Approved Equipment Evaluated Products List
- Independent testing of Destruction Equipment
- ISO 9001 Quality Standard, ISO14001 for Environmental Management and ISO45001 for Occupational Health and Safety
For more details, please see