Solar Sigma Shield showcased by CBG Systems
by ANZIDECC Directory on 16/06/2015 1:22 PM

Today’s military operations require a comprehensive protection and camouflage concept for troops and equipment especially in hot climate zones.
SolarSigmaShield is an innovative and versatile material for camouflage, heat protection and signature management.
SolarSigmaShield is made of a 3D polymer fiberglass composite material that provides solar heat reduction and camouflage for all types of vehicles, containers, guns, cannons, water tanks, shelters, and more. This specially designed material reduces solar heating for an improved environment for personnel, vehicle systems, stored ammunition, and material. In addition, SolarSigmaShield provides camouflage and reduces near infrared signature and radar signature.
SolarSigmaShield is made of polyaramid, aluminium, fiberglass and nylon, and polyvinylchloride. The 3D material has a highly solar absorbing outer layer combined with an open mesh textile that enables air convection underneath. An artificial shadow is created that blocks most of the incoming solar energy and reduces transmission to the inside layer while enabling convective air cooling to evacuate the heat generated by the vehicle. Solar heating is greatly reduced and subsequently the vehicle’s infrared signature.
SolarSigmaShield has been deployed with the Canadian Forces in Afghanistan.
For further information please visit