Interlloy 300M high strength low-alloy steel for defence
by Vulcan Engineering Steels on 24/01/2017 10:28 PM

Interlloy stocks a range of 300M alloy steel in Australia for use in high strength applications such as aircraft landing gear and high performance axles. It is perfect for any application where a steel of very high strength, in the order of 1,930Mpa to 2,100 Mpa, is required.
Interlloy 300M is a low-alloy, chrome-nickel-molybdenum steel, vacuum-melted for very high strength. Developed as a modification of AISI 4340 steel, by increasing silicon, vanadium, carbon and molybdenum to increase toughness, fatigue and tensile strength.
Interlloy 300M is governed by standard AMS 6417.
For full details visit or download the product data sheet
Interlloy holds the most comprehensive stock range of special purpose Alloy and Engineering Steels in Australia, available from our national network of locations. Speak with us on the raw material options for any Defence supply contract.