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Pulse Data Centre


Pulse Data Centre is a leading provider of cutting-edge data centre solutions, specialising in advanced technology infrastructure and services to deliver tailored results to meet the unique needs of defence clients.

Contact Information

Pipe St (Lot 1)



Australia - 4350

Phone : + 1300 651 904
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Mail : [email protected]
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Pulse Data Centre is a leading provider of cutting-edge data centre solutions, specialising in advanced technology infrastructure and services. With a strong focus on security, reliability, and scalability, we deliver data centre solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of defence clients. As a proud member of the Defence Industry Security Program (DISP), we are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive defence industry information.

State-of-the-Art Data Centre Facilities

At Pulse Data Centre, we operate state-of-the-art data centre facilities equipped with the latest advancements in infrastructure technology. Our facilities provide a secure and highly available environment for critical defence industry operations. We offer a robust power and cooling infrastructure, redundant connectivity options, and advanced physical and logical security measures to ensure the integrity and availability of our clients' sensitive data.

Zone 2 and Above Private Suites

Pulse Data Centre offers data centre solutions accredited by the Defence Security and Vetting Service (DS&VS) for Zone 2 and above certifications. Our secure facility design, access controls, information security management, and personnel security processes ensure compliance and protection for classified defence industry information. Our capabilities include:

Secure Facility Designs

Our facilities meet strict physical security requirements with controlled access points and secure equipment storage.

Access Controls

We implement robust identity management systems, including biometric and multi-factor authentication, to ensure authorised personnel access.

Physical and Environmental Security

Our data centre has advanced surveillance, environmental controls, and backup power supplies for uninterrupted operations.

Personnel Security

Select employees undergo thorough vetting, background checks, and security awareness training.

Secure and Compliant Operations

Security is our top priority. We maintain stringent measures to protect classified and sensitive defence industry information. Our data centre facility adheres to industry best practices and comply with relevant security standards, including the Defence Industry Security Program (DISP). We implement comprehensive security protocols, access controls, surveillance systems, and physical barriers to safeguard against unauthorised access and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of client data. As a DISP member, we have undergone rigorous security assessments and demonstrated our commitment to safeguarding sensitive defence industry information. Our DISP membership reinforces our dedication to maintaining the highest security standards and complying with the specific requirements of the defence industry.

Redundant Connectivity and Network Services

We understand the criticality of uninterrupted connectivity for defence industry operations. Our data centres are strategically located with access to multiple high-speed network providers, ensuring diverse and redundant connectivity options. We offer carrier-neutral connectivity, enabling clients to select their preferred network providers and seamlessly connect with their critical infrastructure. Our robust network services provide low-latency and high-bandwidth connectivity to support mission-critical applications and data transfer requirements.

Scalable Infrastructure Solutions

With rapidly evolving defence industry requirements, scalability is crucial. Our data centre solutions are designed to support the growth and changing needs of our defence industry clients. We offer flexible colocation options, private and hybrid cloud services, and scalable infrastructure resources, enabling clients to easily expand their IT infrastructure while maintaining optimal performance and security.

Disaster Recovery Business Continuity

Ensuring continuous operations and rapid recovery in the event of disruptions is essential for defence industry organisations. Our data centre is geographically diverse, offering redundancy and failover options to minimise downtime.

For more information or to discuss your specific requirements, please visit

No of Employees : 10
ACN : 611 780 600
ABN : 95 611 780 600
Year of Establishment : 2016
Post Box Number : 6441
Post Box Zip Code : 4350
Post Box Locality : Toowoomba
Post Box Region : QLD

Key Personnel

General Manager:  John Henderson

Quality Assurance

Pulse Data Centre maintains certification to ISO5001:2018, ISO14001:2015, ISO9001:2015 and ISO/IEC27001:2022

Defence Industry Security Program (DISP) member since November 2022.

Existing Defence Security and Vetting Service (DS&VS) Zone 2 and Zone 4 accredited areas.

Tier III Uptime Institute Certified

Prudential Standard CPS 234 (APRA)

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