Future Submarine Industry briefing
The next Future Submarine Industry briefing will be held on Wednesday, 9 October at the ICC Sydney.
When : 09-10-2019 - 09-10-2019
Time : 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Location : Cockle Bay Room at ICC Sydney
Contact Information
14 Darling Drive
New South Wales
Website : https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/australias-future-submarine-industry-briefing-pacific-2019-tickets-63413759261?aff=NGAwebsite
E-Mail : [email protected]
Contact Name : Saskia Davidson
Phone : +61 8 7077 1064
This briefing is open to any supplier interested in becoming part of the Future Submarine Program.
The briefing will coincide with the Pacific International Maritime Exposition to be held in Sydney from Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 October 2019.
Attendees will hear from representatives from the Department of Defence, Naval Group, Lockheed Martin Australia and Australian Naval Infrastructure.